"Interstate 60" - the movie talks about a hypothetical & imaginary I-60 (Interstate is US equivalent of expressways).. a 22 year old guy called Neal finds himself driving on the I-60 to find answers to the Qs he has for himself in his life.. his experiences on the drive help him identify those answers as he awakens from the dream..
"Jakob the liar" - with a background similar to "Life is beautiful"and yet quite different.. it talks about a polish chap called Jakob living in a Jewish ghetto governed by the Germans during WW-II.. Jakob apparently gets caught in a world of lies about him having a radio & listening to the BBC news - something forbidden by the Germans - he fabricates news stories that the Allies (Russians) are advancing and will overthrow the Germans soon.. thus giving hope to the Polish Jews who are waiting to be sent to concentration camps where they'll eventually die..
Was just wondering if we continue to live in a "make believe" world .. we lead a life full of illusions, dreams, aspirations, hope.. and wake up rudely every morning to face reality day in & day out..
My wavering mind was fixated on the words "make believe".. when I remembered that sony uses these very words in its new tag line.. and I wondered why would they use a phrase that suggests something that they might not want to associate their brand with.. and then realized that they have put a "." in between "make" and "believe".
Read more about what they say officially about this tag line:
A single dot "." that unites those dreams, aspirations & hope with the action & realization.
I tell myself - just connect the dot - simple, isn't it?